Corbin’s turning the big 5 this year. Now, admittedly, we have been skimping on the birthday parties the last couple of years. We had some big blowouts and then we just kind of faded on our party planning skills. Oh, and by ‘we’ I mean me of course. This year is different. This year is a big birthday – a whole hand worth of fingers. That’s something to celebrate. When I “consulted” my son about his birthday party he said he wanted a bike party where everyone brought their bikes over and rode them. I had to remind him his birthday is in March…and that he lives in Minnesota. So, we brainstormed about what else he might like at his party. He listed every superhero I know of and then some. To be honest, he could have totally been making them up and I’d have no idea. A superhero birthday it is!
I didn’t want napkins and plates plastered with The Avengers so I’m lucky I have one of the LEAST picky kids I’ve ever encountered. He’s super chill and could really care less about the aesthetics of his party. He just can’t wait to have everyone over. This is perfect for me because I can make it look like whatever I want it to. I’ve decided on a color scheme and am going from there.
Here’s the invite:
I’m still in the planning stages with a lot of the details but I will update as I go. How do you handle birthdays in your home? Do certain birthdays hold more weight than others or are all created equal?
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