Welcome to our Road Trip Series! If you are just joining, start here or scroll down for links to all the Road Trip Series posts. I think I'm able to pretty certainly say that keeping the kids busy, or at minimum not bored, is high on the concern list for families thinking of taking a road trip. Maybe my kids are total anomalies but I underestimated their stamina and ability to keep themselves ...
Welcome to our Road Trip Series! If you are just joining, start here or scroll down for links to all the Road Trip Series posts. I have been accused of planning too much. Whatever. It feels good to start out with a plan BUT I'm also a momma living real life with three kids who also have their own expectations so flexibility is key. Honestly, having kids was the best thing for me in this ...
Welcome to our Road Trip Series! If you are just joining, start here or scroll down for links to all the Road Trip Series posts. Oh, friends. I wasn't totally sure what we had gotten ourselves into, but last summer we kept throwing around the idea of a summer road trip back to Minnesota and somehow it stuck. So, we did it! I was hoping it'd be an epic adventure filled with family time, ...
If you've been around here, you might have noticed I didn't exactly have a sunshiney childhood overall. That doesn't mean, however, that there weren't some memories worth holding on to. Some of my favorite memories were those that were relived throughout the years by looking at photos; a trip to Madeline Island where we fed the ducks Cheetos and my sister got bit, our road trip to ...
My kiddos are finally out of school! It seems like this school year has dragged on forever. I'm excited to be unscheduled and FREE! But, just like most moms, summer time brings big changes around our home. It usually takes us a week to get in a grove and my youngest has been the whiniest ever lately. Also, can I mention we've been "potty training" since February. I think we finally ...
Recently I had some friends ask how I organize my personal photos. You know the problem, cell phone snapshots, "big camera" photos, family photos for the year, all in various folders, platforms, and clouds. Rest easy, my friends, I was there once too. So here's the bad news, it's going to be a bit of work at the beginning to get your system set up. Like any good reorganization, it gets messier ...