I didn’t want to give up some of our traditions when we moved across the country. Our neighborhood frequently participated in being “booed” (or snowballed for winter/egged for spring). This consists of making or buying some treats for a couple of neighbors and then them passing it on by giving goodies to two more neighbors. What you give can be as involved (or not) as you’d like. I typically buy treats for neighbors I don’t know well, and bake for those I do. Usually the adults knew who booed who in our old ‘hood but in our new one, I only bake for those I KNOW will know it’s from me. I made some mini-loaves of pumpkin bread and gave them with small jars of the caramel/brown butter sauce. The Target Dollar Spot is a great place to pick up some bouncy balls, stickers, notepads, and other little goodies for kiddos.
My kids love running to the neighbors, dropping off the treats as fast as sneakily as possible, and getting away before they open the door. Even though the adults are usually in on the gig, the kids think it’s hilarious and spend way too many minutes guessing who the treats are from.
Click the image below to download your own booed signs!
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